A psychiatrist’s wife is gunned down by her husbands crazed patient outside a fine restaurant. In his effort to debunk the delusions that drove his patient’s violent act, Dr. David Lake encounters, and reveal more than meets the eye. Alien abductions, serial hit-and-run murders, missing persons and horrors committed by unknown creatures, bring this story into focus, but it is the twisted ending that you won’t see coming that will surprise you. Inspired by the real events of the ‘Phoenix Lights’, this story will have you wondering about what might happen when you go to bed tonight.
Following the murder of his wife Helen, by an alleged alien abductee, David Lake sets forth to write a book designed to debunk the ‘myth’ of alien abduction. Years into the process and using a therapy group of ‘alien abductees’ as his information source, things start to get complicated. A new and mysterious woman joins the group, David’s new girlfriend a police detective become increasingly curious about his research and then, ‘accidents’ begin to befall the group members. As events unwind and the mystery grows more intense, suspicions are cast about and trust begins to wane. Then, as the solution to the ‘alien mystery’ is revealed, and things begin to return to normal, an even more sinister speculation is revealed.