1. The Stone:  A struggling NYU graduate student inherits a controversial European estate from a distant relative and is led to the discovery of a mythical icon with an unusual power that others are willing to kill for.

2. The Limit:   A billionaire finances the discovery of a biological key to immortality, then murders the research team to keep the discovery a secret and prevent a catastrophe.

3. Matter of Time:  Newly minted physics Ph.D.s receive fellowships to CERN to help search for the ‘God Particle’. But, one beautiful genius has a hidden agenda. In service to her benefactors, she plans to use the Large Hadron Collide to create a time traveling device.

4. Whacking Beverly Hills:  Mobile Maid Beverly is multi-tasking on her way to work and doesn’t realize what she has just driven by. But, soon, she is thought to be a witness to a Mob hit. Beverly hasn’t a clue, until the cops and the gangsters all start to chase her and she runs for her life.

5. The 2nd Saturday in October: Bobby ‘The Man ‘ Piccolo’s daughter is getting married on the second Saturday in October and with his ‘Family Connections’ coming into Phoenix from Jersey and Long Island, and the array of freaky locals with invitations to the reception, the guest list is starting to look like trouble.

6. Canyon Whispers:  A young widow, tracked by a mysterious figure and fighting against long odds, keeps her promise to her late husband and travels from New York to the Grand Canyon, where she plans to ‘whisper into the ear of God’.

Contact Walker O'Brien

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